Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Flowering Currant

Flowering Currant
Ribes sanguineum

Flowering Currant is native to California and surrounding states, but is limited to the Western US. The pink flowers are some of the first flowers to bloom in springtime, and a major food source for hummingbirds in early spring.

In the fall, it will produce clusters of seedy blue-black berries, which are a popular snack for both humans and animals alike.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Mallard Duck

Male Mallard Duck
Anas platyrhynchos

This mallard was going for a stroll on the lawn near the ponds, enjoying the rain. You can tell it is a male due to the shiny green head -- females are dull brown and tan, so they can conceal themselves more effectively when incubating their nests.

Mallards are the ancestors of nearly all domesticated duck species (except muscovy ducks) and easily become accustomed to people.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Golden-Crowned Sparrow


Golden-Crowned Sparrows are a familiar visitor throughout California during the winter months. They flock together in small groups, and feed primarily on seeds and plant sprouts, along with the occasional insect.

As breeding season approaches, they will leave for their summer home in the tundra of Canada and Alaska.